Why I care about what’s happening in HK now
I’ve been quiet on IG posts (I do post stories tho!) for exactly a month! The past month feels like a dream — a bad one to be precise. I just didn't have the mood nor the content to post. I can’t pretend that nothing major is happening rn and continue to post about my piece of organic linen or zero waste tupperware.
The environment is important but politics is too. Sadly, they go hand in hand IRL, so it’s unthinkable to me how I will care about some plastics but not care about political structures, freedom of speech and of the press.
► In US, environmentalists often need to work against industry groups such as plastics, chemicals or meat & dairy industries to get laws passed. The structure of legislation and consultation groups has everything to do with how government responds. Imagine a biased group who are not elected by people but by interest groups, how can they reflect the needs of people who are most affected?
► Some environmentalists are considered ‘terrorists’ and are monitored by FBI. I would not justify / defend acts of "terror" that was committed, but I will leave you to judge why they are considered "terrorists"..
► Environmentalists get murdered for defending land, forests, etc in developing countries. 1,100 land activists have been killed in Brazil in past 20 years. Iran detained and faced criminal charges in 2018. Tibetan environmentalist says Chinese jailers tortured him in 2010. In 2016, China jails environmental activist for 'revealing State secrets'.
(Sources below)
Environmentalism is definitely one of the reasons why I care so much about what is happening to Hong Kong rn. Activists and the press have a vital role in monitoring the gov’t as well as disclosing important issues to public. Freedom of speech and press isn’t the only “human rights” but also the way to drive our society forward in a direction that is aligned with public interest.
This is why I care. And I hope you will feel the same too
- https://theintercept.com/2019/03/23/ecoterrorism-fbi-animal-rights/
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/jun/22/tibetan-environmentalist-accuses-china-torture
- https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/activist-10112016122729.html
- https://www.ft.com/content/00be1b66-1f43-11e3-b80b-00144feab7de
- https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/10/26/iran-environmentalists-face-capital-charges