Go big or go home? But I love going home...

Feeling like a short post today - just a bit of a rant because this common quote just REALLY gets on my nerves lately when people take it the wrong way. 

I’ve heard countless times when people try to avoid doing something because 💬'If I can't go big, then I might as well go home?' or ‘oh it doesn’t make a difference because it’s just me doing it.'

Go big or go home (1) (1).png

The message itself means well – it encourages us to DREAM BIG, but we also need to remember that everything big starts from scratch – we START SMALL. What bugs me is that people get 😪confused they think that if they’re not changing the world the next minute, there is no point starting anything. (Perhaps it is also a millennial mentality that we want instant gratification? See my other post here!)

I’ve heard countless times when people try to avoid doing something because 💬 'if I can't go big, I might as well go home' or 'oh it doesn’t make a difference because it’s just me doing it.’ This has become our EXCUSES to not do anything. This is also the type of mentality that makes people RELUCTANT to do things differently.⠀

It's the general perception that 'one must do something extraordinary in order to justify their actions' that really pisses me off. The thing is, Rome wasn’t built in a day (thanks @susannayeung.photography for reminding me this). We must realise that small changes do add up collectively. It applies to shopping for products made ethically, not eating shark fins, not wasting that plastic bag by bringing your own shopping bag, not buying clothes that exploits labour...

Or it is like the Starfish story ⭐️(google it!!) that @emmy_ft shared with me ages ago – that the little girl/boy/woman (in different versions)’s decision to save that one starfish doesn’t change the fact that there are still millions of starfishes lying around unrescued, but at least, to that one starfish, she made the difference.🌓⠀

sincerely, kammie.png