The Lesser Evil:

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Yea, "weight training makes girls bulky" they say

EVERY TIME I hear this, I do a little #eyeroll dance in my head. My heart dies a little when girls say that😞, and I enter a passive-aggressive mode when it comes from a guy.😡

I wish we can get bulky just by picking up weights in a gym. If it were this easy, why is there a need for gyms? All they need is a one-time gym access and they get all toned, and, even bulky?



The biological profile of females🚺 differs with that of men🚹,

e.g. girls do not have as high testosterone level as guys, hence it is much more difficult for them to gain muscles, let alone being bulky.



What is ‘bulky’ anyway? And what does being ‘toned’ mean?

Is there a muscle state called ‘toned’? Being ‘toned’ just means achieving a certain level of increase in muscle mass, but not too much. You ⚡️ CANNOT ⚡️ wake up next morning and have ‘too much muscles’ just like that. Instead, getting 'toned' is a gradual process that you can monitor and stop (if you want).



Have you ever seen how hard girls train?

You don’t understand how hard girls in my gym work in order to gain muscle strength, mass and endurance. They train day in and day out, morning 🌝and night🌚, pay attention to food & nutrition🍎🥒🍠, and some even get to the specifics of following personalized exercises, rep schemes and prescribed weights.

Of course, weight training isn’t the only way to get ‘fit’ (same here, what is ‘fit’?). Regardless of you being male or female, different types of sports/exercises result in different types of physique (think marathon runner vs an Olympic lifter).

So, the next time you hear this, politely ask for a definition of ‘bulky’ and decide whether you should trust these silly heads on whether girls should do weight training or not. (I would say 110% yes, if you ask me!)🙋🏻

每次聽到:「嘩,女仔人家點解要舉重呀,會練到好大隻㗎」。我心諗 (insert *middle finger*),如果咁容易可以練到咁大隻,咁啲gym可以執笠啦 😓 



男仔🚹同女仔🚺嘅生理結構有分別,例如女仔嘅testosterone (一種幫助肌肉生長嘅荷爾蒙)level比男仔低,本質上已經難啲練到肌肉,更何況突然之間練到「好大隻」







總結:唔同嘅運動會造就唔同嘅體型,如果下次聽到有人話:舉重會好大隻,你可以友善地 :) 問返佢點先叫「大隻」,如果佢比到一個好科學性嘅答案你,你再決定聽唔聽佢講 : ) 


(*Note: this is an adaptation of my IG post on July 23, 2017)