The Lesser Evil:

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What #shit have you put on your skin today?

It's unbelievable how much chemicals we have put onto our skin day in and day out - and we don't seem to care about it. Just a short piece here but hope you like it!

Just 5 tips to get you started


I hope your deodorant doesn't contain aluminum salts because there are increasing concerns that its use at armpits is linked to likelihood of getting breast cancer. Studies are inconclusive in drawing causal relationship, but at least Switzerland is trying to ban it in antiperspirants, as of 2017. (For more see this link - Thank you @emmy_ft for helping me to review the science journals!


Do you know your shower gel and shampoo are the same thing? Look for the second ingredient (first one is always water, which can be quite a scam of money when you come to think of it) - I bet 90% of the time it's sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate. They penetrate skin easily, is suspected to be endocrine disruptor and causes irritation of skin and eyes. 



 "Natural" doesn't mean it's good for you. I can pick up a bunch of random leaves, infuse it in a pot of cream and call it "natural".


"Organic" is the lesser evil here, but it doesn't mean it's good or will not cause allergies. Have you ever come across wild poison ivy? Does it cause irritation? 


Speaking of which, "hypoallergenic" is just a fancy word in which case a manufacturer *believes* the product is *less likely* to cause irritation. There are no clear regulations to govern the use. 



如果你嘅止汗劑有aluminum salts,我真係恭喜你呀,有懷疑呢種成份用喺armpit位可能增加患乳癌風險,雖然唔係十成十,但係你用緊乜嘢都有個知字呀


其實你洗頭水同埋沖涼液都係用同一樣嘅成份,我打賭,9成water之後都係sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate。都用左咁耐啦,唔會死嘅,但係佢容易俾皮膚吸收、會刺激皮膚,有好啲嘅alternatives嘅 :)


天然成份唔代表好。我係街邊執啲草,將佢釀落啲cream度,都可以話係天然 :|








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(*Note: this is an adaptation of my Instagram post dated July 20, 2017)